Last I wrote, I had just come off a huge high at the Magog triathlon, having performed really well. The next race scheduled was the Super League Triathlon in Ottawa were I was to do a sprint distance race. Unfortunately, I managed to sprain my ankle in the pool the Tuesday prior to the Sunday race. With recovery feeling alright, and the excitement of the race weekend (we stayed two nights in Ottawa due to the two-day format of my sisters race), I was ready to conquer. Sadly, the night before, just as I was getting ready to do a little activation on the bike, my ankle swelled up again. It was worse than ever.

So here I was again, cheering on from the sidelines. However, I found a volunteer position I could do so I had fun that day nonetheless.

The recovery since had been slow. I’ve been unable to run, but on the flip-side, I made it to Switzerland! I’m writing this on my aunt’s balcony with an amazing view of the Alps. When planning around the race in Lausanne, I decided to make the most of my trip. This means I booked out three weeks of August to spend in Switzerland. I’m first staying at my aunt’s in Bagnes, and then going to Lausanne for the weekend of the race.

The view from the porch

Wow, is this place ever beautiful… I’ve been on three big rides so far, one climbing up to Verbier, to Bruson and to Lac Mauvoisin. As you can tell, every ride involves climbing! I’ve hiked to mountain lakes, and swam in the local quarry (albeit very green) that the locals call “la gouille.” That’s which is Swiss-French for “the puddle.”

Lac Mauvoisin, which features a massive dam, blue waters, a waterfall and a crazy view.

I race on the 31st of August, 10:50 local time (ahead by six hours). My race is trackable through DataSport with my athlete number being 11587. I will post updates on my Instagram before I follow up on the blog!

I have also been keeping a loose photo-diary type thing here. I’ve been taking so many photos of my time here, and thought I would share them!

More photos can be found in the photo-diary HERE